Books [J. Paul Reed] DevOps in Practice



You hear it a lot: DevOps is not just about tools, but also about changing company culture. But just how does an organization firmly rooted in traditional software development go about making that change? This in-depth report shows how two large organizations, Nordstrom and, moved from long-established software development models to the collaborative style DevOps embodies.

Based on a series of interviews he conducted with key team members at each organization, release engineering consultant J. Paul Reed describes the process they went through - from initial responses to critical, game-changing events through the trial and error of deciding how DevOps would work for them. As you'll learn, the process included its share of false starts, in not only the way teams were structured but also the path that code took from commit to customer.

Is the journey more important than the destination? These case studies certainly bear that out. They also prove the point that, when it comes to adopting DevOps, practice makes perfect.


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