Development [] Create a Members Only Blog using PHP, MySQL, & AJAX



What you'll learn

  • Creating Dynamic Web Pages in PHP
  • Creating a MySQL Database to store Member Data
  • Creating PHP & AJAX Validated Member Registration Forms
  • Creating PHP & AJAX Validated Member Login Authentication
  • Working with Session Variables – Login/Logout Functionality
  • Developing Validated Contact Forms for Web to Email Transmission via SMTP
  • PhpMailer Integration to facilitate Email Transmission
  • Uploading the Project from a Local Testbed to a Production Server
  • Basic Computer Skills
This course offers a hands-on approach in learning how to develop web applications using PHP, MySQL, and AJAX.

Students will develop a blog with MySQL database integration. The project aims to cover the following key concepts:
  • Creating Dynamic Web Pages in PHP
  • Creating a MySQL Database to store Member Data.
  • Creating PHP & AJAX Validated Member Registration Forms
  • Creating PHP & AJAX Validated Member Login Authentication
  • Working with Session Variables – Login/Logout Functionality
  • Developing Validated Contact Forms for Web to Email Transmission via SMTP
  • PhpMailer Integration to facilitate Email Transmission
  • Uploading the Project from a Local Testbed to a Production Server
The concepts explored in this course will help students learn the essential skills necessary to develop web applications of any size and complexity.

Who this course is for:

  • Students interested in learning how to Build Web Applications
  • Students interested in Learning how to code in PHP
  • Students interested in building their own Blog
  • Students interested in Creating Contact forms with PHP & AJAX form Validation
  • Students interested in Building User Authenticated Login Forms
  • Students interested in learning how to Install and Configure PhpMailer
  • Students interested in learning how to store User Data into MySQL Tables

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