Development [Udemy] Build A Responsive Portfolio Website With HTML5 And CSS3



What you’ll learn

  • Basic concept of website development
  • Basic understanding of HTML5 and CSS3
  • Understanding of Bootstrap4 Framework.
  • Basic understanding of Isotope Filter Function
  • Start learning new stuff by going through the official documentation
  • Basic steps to initiate git and deploy to Heroku
  • No development experience is required. Mac computer is recommended.
  • You will start learning from the basics. All you need to get started is a Visual Studio Code & Chrome Browser.
  • Willing to google answers or reach out to your instructor if you face any problem

Here is exactly what we cover in this course:

  • Easy-to-follow and hands-on web development with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Ready-to-go Bootstrap4 framework to speed up the website development
  • Leverage Isotope Javascript library to build a fancy filter animation for your portfolios
  • How to search and use images, fonts and icons to make your website beautiful— all for free
  • First steps for responsive web design: learn how to create websites that work beautifully on all screen sizes
  • How to leverage Formspree to build form without server-side development — all for free
  • How to initialize a new git and deploy to Heroku — all for free
  • Learn to build websites that can show to your friend
Who this course is for:
  • People who eager to learn website development

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