Development [Skillshare] Conquer SQL queries Step By Step From Scratch in less time than watching Netflix



If you are looking to acquire new skills, start a career or make a change this is the course for you. Whether you are preparing to work with data or build software, this class provides a step-by-step introduction to SQL (also known as SEQUEL). This is part one of a 2 part course

In this course you will:
  • Learn how a database works
  • Create a world-class database like the pros
  • Write SQL queries
  • Store and retrieve information from the database
  • Test your knowledge with in-course quizzes
  • Have fun learning
Together we cover the following topics:


  • Select, From and Where
  • Operators
  • And, Or
  • In, Not In, Between
  • Is Null, Is Not Null
  • Like and Wildcards
Aggregate Functions
  • Count and Distinct
  • Sum, Average, Min and Max
  • Working With Groups (Group By, Order By, Having)
  • Giving Nicknames (Aliases)
  • Create
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete, Drop
More Than One Table
  • Inner Join
  • Left Outer Join
  • Right Outer Join
  • Full Outer Join
  • Aliases For Table

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