Development React For Beginners Updated & Re-Recorded!


  • Access to all 29 HD Videos — see above for a full listing of topics
  • Component Interaction + Animation
  • Integrating a Login with FireBase Authentication
  • Source Code — build system and Starter Files for each video
  • Ejecting to Webpack
  • Future React – ES2017 and beyond!
  • Stream and Download DRM-free files from any device
  • Unlimited Updates — this course has been totally re-recorded 3 times!
  • Exclusive access to the React for Beginners Slack Chat Room where you can ask me for help and chat with other learners
Totally updated with the latest best practices in React 16.3, ES6, Async + Await, React Router 4 and more. Free update to all 25,569 of you who have already purchased the course. Enjoy!

A premium step-by-step training course to get you building real world React.js + Firebase apps and website components.

What Will I Learn?

  • How to build an entire App or Website Component in React.js from start to finish.
  • Working with create-react-app for Webpack Tooling
  • Understanding React Components and writing markup with JSX
  • Maintain your Application’s State
  • Communication between components
  • Working with State and HTML5 LocalStorage
  • Real time web socket data with Firebase
  • Creating maintainable code with JavaScript Modules
  • URL routing with React Router 4
  • Taking advantage of new ES6 Features
  • Deploying React Applications
  • + So much more — Check below for a full listing of videos
Who is this for?
Anyone looking to modernize their front end development skill set. If you are already an experienced JavaScript developer, you will simply complete the course a little more quickly.

  • Developers reliant on jQuery who want to improve how they build with JavaScript
  • Angular, Ember or Backbone developers looking to grok how React works
  • PHP & WordPress Developers – React tends to jive well with those who are used to PHP as it was built for Facebook
  • Developers looking to add interactive or real time pieces to existing websites
  • Anyone who wants to get better at JavaScript and learns well from seeing both fundamental and advanced concepts in practice
Video pacing is just right – fast enough to keep you interested without passing by or assuming any details.


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