Business [Gene Morris] Pay Per Call Blueprint 2.0


Learn How to Make $500-$1000 Day Selling Phone Call Leads To Businesses Nationwide

Pay per call blueprint is a relatively simple marketing strategy for launching pay per call campaigns using Google Ads.
There is more to succeeding in pay per call than just being able to launch a campaign.
You need to know:
  • What offers work best and when to run them.
  • What best practices will get you approved by most networks
  • How to deliver quality calls without over-spending on traffic
  • How to leverage networks to get the best offers available.
  • How to launch a campaign fast.

What You Get:

Pay Per Call Blueprint 2.0 (2019 Edition)

  • [Updated] Pay Per Call Blueprint 2.0 (2019 Edition)
  • Let’s Stop Feeling Broke! How Much Money Does The Average Pay Per Call Marketer Make?
  • Use This Daily Budget When Getting Started In Pay Per Call
  • Use This Simple Checklist Next Time You Are Hunting For Pay Per Call Offers
  • Good vs Bad Pay Per Call Offers Continued
  • How To Simplify Your Campaigns And Still Make 4-Figures A Day
  • Start Cutting Your Launch Times and Start Making More Money With Pay Per Call Blueprint 2.0
  • Use This Simple Checklist Next Time You Are Hunting For Pay Per Call Offers Part 3

How To Master Pay Per Call Offers Like An Expert Media Buyer
  • Pay Per Call Blueprint Module 2 – Understanding Pay Per Call Offers So You Can Make More Money
  • What You Should Know About Pay Per Call Campaign Summary’s
  • How To Stop Sabotaging Your Publisher Income By Avoiding Bad Offers Like These
  • Where To Look For The Best Pay Per Call Offers To Test
  • Doing THIS Daily Can Prevent You From Missing Out On Good Offers
  • Knowing These Invoca Basics Can Keep You From Making Costly Mistakes
  • *Important – How to use invoca’s call promotion feature (Recommend using this on ALL Google Ads call-only campaigns)

Start Spying On Your Competition NOW!
  • Why Competitor Analysis is Critical To Your Success
  • How To Find Ads And Keywords That Convert Part 1
  • How To Find Ads And Keywords That Convert Part 2

Websites And Landing Pages
  • Important Pay Per Call Basics: Your Pay Per Call Website And Landing Page Resource
  • Mobile Landing Page Cookbook For Lead Gen
  • Mobile Site Speed Optimization
  • Winning Customers with CallsHow To Leverage User Intent And Drive Quality Calls
  • Avoid an account suspension by adhering to this important google policy
  • Brand Building BasicsLead Gen Websites
  • Good Landing Page Tactics

Set Up Your Google Ads Call-Only Campaign this Way
  • Getting Started
  • These Tools Make Building Your Campaign Easy
  • Start With These Settings For Your Call-Only Campaign
  • How To Setup ExtensionsHow To Configure A Conversion Action For Calls
  • How to map a conversion action to your call extension so it will fire properly
  • Creating your first call-only ad group
  • Creating your first call-only ad
  • How to Add ad groups and keywords in bulk with adwords editor
  • How to quickly change match types to your keywords in adwords editor
  • How to quickly add ads to ad groups with adwords editor
  • Adjusting keyword bids and different match types
  • How to build rock solid negative keyword lists in just a couple minutes
  • Tips For Getting ProfitableThe Secret To Higher Conversion Rates (Continued)



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