Business [Bobtabor] Thinking Like An Object-Oriented Programmer



Course Content
  • Download Code Files
  • Lesson 1 – Introduction
  • Lesson 2 – Establishing Crucial Metaphors
  • Lesson 3 – Application Lifecycle and Object Orientation
  • Lesson 4 – Big Upfront Design: Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • Lesson 5 – Agile Methodology
  • Lesson 6 – The Process can Affect the Design
  • Lesson 7 – Abstracting the Real World into a Domain Model
  • Lesson 8 – Establishing Roles and Delegating Responsibilities to Objects
  • Lesson 9 – Contracts, Interfaces and Collaborations
  • Lesson 10 – Collaborations and Object Role Stereotypes
  • Lesson 11 – Collaborations: Conditions of Use and After Effect Guarantees
  • Lesson 12 – Domain vs Application Specific Objects
  • Lesson 13 – Components as Neighborhoods of Objects
  • Lesson 14 – Architectural Layers of Responsibility using Objects
  • Lesson 15 – Designing Objects and Interactions Guided By Principles and Patterns
  • Lesson 16 – Why Encapsulation?
  • Lesson 17 – Why Implementation Inheritance?
  • Lesson 18 – Why Interface Inheritance?
  • Lesson 19 – Why Polymorphism?
  • Lesson 20 – Understanding Relationships: Coupling and Dependency
  • Lesson 21 – Understanding Relationships: Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
  • Lesson 22 – Understanding Relationships: Aggregation
  • Lesson 23 – Understanding Relationships: Composition
  • Lesson 24 – Understanding the Agile Analysis and Design Process using Visual Studio Team Services
  • Lesson 25 – Where to Go From Here
About Bot Tabor
Bob is the founder of LearnVisualStudio.NET and has been creating screencast tutorials since 2002. A five-time Microsoft MVP, his videos have been viewed millions of times on Visual Studio’s Start page, Channel 9, Microsoft Virtual Academy, and elsewhere. Bob is an adjunct instructor for WintellectNOW.


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